Thursday, February 16, 2012

:Pig Toolbox:

這是chrome的擴充功能, 剛下載,

Gmail郵件檢查, 滑鼠手勢, 超級拖拽, 允許右鍵點擊並選擇文本和圖像, 字典搜索, 在IE流覽器裡打開網址, 網頁截屏, 更改桌面壁紙, 填寫登錄表格, Youtube歌詞搜索和重複播放, 更改網頁樣式和屏蔽flash/圖片, 網頁翻譯, 文檔檢視器...
This extension is the powerful utility tool with various functions. 
This extension dramatically will help to save Chrome memory. And it is much more convenient than before in using Chrome.
Chrome 9 and later version support. Some features supports Windows only.

Change log -->

*Gmail 郵件檢查
*Super Gesture (You can seamlessly use gesture in all Chrome pages. Windows only)
*Super one click,User defined Chrome context menu
*Tool menu for Auto-save image on webpage (僅限Windows)
*在IE流覽器裡打開網址 (僅限Windows)
*將剪貼板圖像設置為桌面壁紙 (僅限Windows)
*網頁截屏 - 截取網頁的可視區域或者整頁。你可以複製到剪貼板或者保存為jpg到電腦上。
*YouTube 工具 - 搜索YouTube音樂和視頻的歌詞,重複播放YouTube視頻或音樂。
*將長網址縮短 - 將長網址縮短。支援,。
*允許右鍵點擊,選擇文本和圖片 - 啟動被禁用的功能表功能,使得可以選擇網站上的文本和圖片。
*字典搜索 - 快速搜索Google字典。如果你在網頁上觸發滑鼠操作或熱鍵,它將搜索被選字並給出結果。
*更改字體,顏色以及遮罩Flash/圖片 - 根據你的喜好,替換網頁的樣式(顏色、背景色、字體、等等)。
*網頁翻譯 - 將網頁直接翻譯成你所需的語言。
*當前網站,網頁搜索,torrent,mp3 搜索
*滑鼠按兩下關閉分頁 (僅限Windows)
*在分頁欄上使用滑鼠滾輪切換分頁 (僅限Windows)
*顯示/隱藏 Chrome 視窗 (僅限Windows)
*Omnibox地址欄搜索 (bookmark,history,site search,Web search,torrent,mp3)
*此外, 還有更多其他的功能。


*Google mail checker
*Mouse gestures,User defined shortcuts,Super Drag support
*Super Gesture (You can seamlessly use gesture in all Chrome pages. Windows only)
*Super one click,User defined Chrome context menu
*Fill login form 
*Tool menu for Auto-save image on webpage (Windows only)
*Open current URL by IE (Windows only)
*Set clipboard image to wallpaper (Windows only)
*Screenshot page - Screenshot visible part of this page or the entire page.
*YouTube tools - Search YouTube music video lyrics, Repeat play YouTube movie or music.
*Make short URL from long URL -, support
*Allow right click - Enable right click or context menu when webpages disable it.  
*Dictionary,translate - If you trigger mouse actions or shortcuts on a web page, It will search dictionary by selected word.
*Change font,color style - Change a page styling (colors, background color, fonts, flash, image etc.)
*Translate webpage - Web pages are translated directly into the selected language.
*Current site search,Web search,torrent,mp3 Search support
*Force tab to front when new tab opened - This is useful when you click mouse middle button.
*Double click on a tab to close it (Windows only)
*Scroll mouse wheel on the tab strip to switch tabs (Windows only)
*Docs(pdf,doc,docx,ppt,pps,tiff) viewer
*Show/hide Chrome window (Windows only)
*Run script in webpage, Script editor, User script plugin
*Block list for Google search
*Domain information (flag,map support)
*QR Code Generator
*Omnibox search (bookmark,history,site search,Web search,torrent,mp3)
*User configure data export, import support.
*In addition, more features are supported.

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